Charles de Foucauld: A Hero of the Desert - 3
Manob Jibon
[Humane Vitae -- Of Human Life] |
It is Jerome D’Costa’s 16-page Bengali-language translation of the Humane Vitae (Of Human Life) – the 1968 encyclical letter of Pope Paul VI on the regulation of birth, published by the Catholic Church's Natural Family Planning Centre of Dhaka on July 20, 1980.
Addressed to patriarchs, archbishops, bishops, priests, the faithful of the Catholic Church and all men of goodwill, this letter speaks of the (i) Problem and Competency of the Magisterium [teaching authority of the Church]: new questions, interpreting the moral law, special studies, and the Magisterium’s reply; (ii) Doctrinal Principles: God’s loving design, unlawful birth control methods, lawful therapeutic means, recourse to infertile periods, consequences of artificial methods, limits to man’s power, and concern of the Church; and (iii) Pastoral Directives: value of self-discipline, promotion of chastity, appeal to public authorities, to scientists, to Christian couples, recourse to God, family apostolate, to priests, and bishops.
Jishur Kacchey Ashun |
[Come to Jesus]
This is Jerome D’Costa’s Bengali-language translation of Fr. Marcelino Iragui’s book, Meet Jesus, a book on Catholic charismatic renewal, published by the Pratibeshi Prakashani of Dhaka in June 1981.
This book speaks of God’s love, but we lose that love by our sins. Through the Holy Spirit, we can renew ourselves and be near God and enjoy his love for us.
The chapters that cover this book are: I loved you with eternal love, Gospel message: the birth of the Holy Spirit among us, repent!, cure of the memories, be filled with the Holy Spirit, preparation for being filled with the Holy Spirit, born for love: fruit of the Holy Spirit, born for service: gift of the Holy Spirit, with God in a new language, to speak for God in prophesying, you are all elected for singing the praise of God.
Polli Unnoyone Khomotar Shomporko: Bangldesher Obostha |
[Power Relations in Rural Development: The Case of Bangladesh]
This is the Bengali-language translation of Father Richard W. Timm, CSC's English-language book by Jerome D’Costa and published by Caritas Bangladesh in September 1983.
It provides an analysis of the increasing discrimination between the rich and poor countries as well as that of Bangladesh. Next, it speaks of how Bangladeshis evolved and became the target of attacks and domination by various other groups of people. Even after independence in 1971, that influence is still affecting its people adversely. The urbanites now dominating the ruralites in politics, economy, and culture.
The author also demonstrates the social structure of the villages where one group dominates over others. In rural development, too, there is discrimination among groups. There is also a lack of equity in international aid and trade whereby rural farmers don’t gain much.
Father Timm, then, asks whether Bangladesh was really an international basket case? In spite of all these problems and discrepancies, he suggests that general people-oriented development, people’s active participation and empowerment with emphasis on women’s development, will lead Bangladesh toward a truly developing country.