Showing posts with label Catholic Magazines & Journals. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Catholic Magazines & Journals. Show all posts

Thursday, June 20, 2019

CATHOLIC TEACHER: A Publication of Toronto

It's a five-times-a-year magazine, published by the Ontario English Catholic Teachers' Association (OECTA), for the Catholic teachers. 

It "provides editorials, professional development news, teacher profiles, legal advice, bargaining updates, and feature articles that deal with a variety of educational, social justice, and political issues." 

Email contact:

It's also available online at Catholic Teacher

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Monday, April 15, 2019

La Civilta Cattolica (English Edition)

La Civilta Cattolica (The Catholic Civilization),
a Jesuit journal from Rome, Italy
La Civilta Cattolica, in the Italian language, is the 108-year old journal of the Jesuit Order in Rome, Italy. It is published in cooperation with the Secretariate of State of the Vatican, with the aim of interpreting "religion, history, politics, culture, science, and art in the world in the light of the Catholic faith."

It has its French, German, Spanish, Korean, and English versions. 

You may read the English version here La Civilta Cattolica (English Version)

The English translation of the Italian version can be read here La Civilta Cattolica

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Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Some Traditionalist and Conservative Catholic Newspapers and Magazines

Catholic Family News

The Angelus magazine

These are some of the traditionalist and conservative newspapers and magazines that support and cling to old or traditional beliefs, customs, traditions, liturgical forms -- including Tridentine Latin Mass, public and private devotions, and teachings of the Catholic Church before the Second Vatican Council, held in 1962-1965. 

Some of them do not support the sweeping changes brought about by the Second Vatican Council in belief, liturgy, and practice and do not hesitate to criticize post-Second Vatican Council popes -- Pope John XXIII, Pope Paul VI, Pope John Paul II, and Pope Francis -- except Pope Benedict XVI, who tried to reintroduce some old traditions back to the Church.  

  • Catholic Family News (founded in 1993, it’s a monthly tabloid newspaper) (Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada)
  • Christian Order (founded in 1960, it’s a monthly magazine) (London, U.K.)
  • Latin Mass Magazine (founded in 1999, it’s a quarterly magazine) (Ramsey, New Jersey, USA)
  • Present (founded in 1982, it’s a French-language daily newspaper) (Paris, France)
  • St. Austin Review (founded in 2001, it’s a bimonthly journal) (Chicago, USA)
  • The Angelus (founded in 1895, it’s a monthly magazine) (Kansas City, Missouri, USA)
  • The Brandsma Review (founded in 1992, it’s a bimonthly magazine) (Dublin, Ireland)
  • The Remnant (founded in 1967, it’s a biweekly newspaper) (Forest Lake, Minnesota, USA)
  • The Wanderer (founded in 1867, it’s a weekly newspaper) (St. Paul, Minnesota, USA)

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Monday, January 22, 2018

Some Independent Catholic News, Analysis, and Opinion Sources

There are hundreds of Roman Catholic news agencies, newspapers, magazines, and journals in the world. Among them, there are a few that are independent, in the sense that they have a critical outlook on issues and events that directly or indirectly affect the Church and its members. They also give greater emphasis on the open-minded and inclusive teachings of the Second Vatican Council (1962 - 1965). Excepting few, most of them are run and edited by Catholic laypersons.

We mention below some of them:

America magazine
Image courtesy:

America (A monthly Jesuit review) (New York, N.Y., U.S.A.):

Founded in 1909, this magazine is "one of the oldest periodicals in the United States today."

This magazine "is known across the Catholic world for its unique brand of opinion and analysis. From theology and spirituality to politics, international relations, arts and letters, and the economy and social justice."

It's also available online at: America 

Commonweal magazine
Image courtesy:

Commonweal (New York, N.Y., U.S.A.):

Founded in 1924, this 20-times a year magazine, whose "mission is to provide a forum for civil, reasoned debate on the interaction of faith with contemporary politics and culture. Read by a passionate audience of educated, committed Catholics, as well as readers from many other faith traditions, Commonweal presents well-argued, respectful points of view from across the ideological spectrum. In an often contentiously divided Catholic church and secular culture, its status as an independent journal of opinion encourages conversations that can be difficult in other settings."

Edited by Catholic laypersons, it covers Catholic principles, American life, laypersons' voice within the church, sexual abuse scandal in the church, role of women in church, relationship between religion and politics, church teachings on sexuality, and more. 

Email contact:

It's also available online at: Commonweal

Image courtesy:

Crux (Denver, Colorado, U.S.A.):

Founded in 2014, it's "an independent Catholic news site, operated in partnership with the Knights of Columbus." 

"We have special editorial interests, such as religious freedom and anti-Christian persecution around the world, but we cover the whole Catholic story -- 'All things Catholic.'"

It's available online at: Crux

Independent Catholic News (ICN)
Image courtesy:

Independent Catholic News (ICN) (London, U.K.):

Founded in 2000, this website aims "to provide speedy and accurate news coverage of all subjects of interest to Catholics and the wider Christian community."

It deals with news and opinions on the Church in the U.K, Ireland and world, education, justice-peace-environment, young adults and youth, arts-events-exhibitions, books, catechists, films, letters, viewpoint, obituaries and tributes, poetry, prayer requests, travel, and more. 

Email contact:

It's available online at: Independent Catholic News (ICN)

LaCroix International daily
Image courtesy:

LaCroix International (France):

Founded in 1883 in France, it's a daily newspaper terming itself as "the world's leading independent Catholic daily." Through its pay-based website and its daily editions, it provides enlightened insight into the world, politics, economy, culture, and religious matters.  

It's available online at: LaCroix International

National Catholic Reporter weekly
Image courtesy: 

 National Catholic Reporter  (Kansas City, Missouri, U.S.A.):

Founded in 1964, it's a bi-weekly newspaper "that covers the Roman Catholic Church for a national and international audience. It's independently owned and governed by a lay board of directors. 

It's a "religious news source with worldly interests, and though a large amount of its reporting deals with issues of the Catholic Church, an equal amount of its coverage is a marriage of the religious, political and social forces shaping public policies and institutions. We are concerned for all people and we are committed to shaping a world that recognizes the dignity of every human being, regardless of religious beliefs, gender, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation or other characteristics. Throughout our history, we have been a voice for the disadvantaged and the marginalized and we have told the stories of injustice that others simply will not print."

It's core values are rooted in the spirit of the Second Vatican Council, calling for social justice, human dignity, inclusiveness, and excellence. 

It's online edition is available daily at: National Catholic Reporter

The Tablet weekly

Image courtesy:

The Tablet (London, U.K.):

Founded in 1840, it's an international Catholic weekly, that "reports on religion, current affairs, politics, social issues, literature and the arts with special emphasis on Roman Catholicism while remaining ecumenical. It is committed to the teaching of the Second Vatican Council."

It's available online at: The Tablet

UCANews -- Asian Catholic news source
Image courtesy:

UCANews (Hong Kong):

Founded in    , the UCA News (Union of Catholic Asian News) is "Asia's most trusted independent Catholic news source." 

This Catholic news agency provides "news, feature, commentary and analysis, and multimedia content on social, political and religious developments that related or are of interest to the Catholic Church in Asia." It also has its foreign language sites in China, Indonesia, Korea and Vietnam. It also operates two sites that offer local and international English language content in India and the Philippines.

Presently, it has bureaus in Bangladesh, China, East Timor, Hong Kong, India, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan, the Philippines, Sri Lanka, and Vietnam. 

It's available at: UCANews

U.S. Catholic monthly
 Image courtesy:

U. S. Catholic (Chicago, Illinois, U.S.A.):

Founded in 1938, this monthly magazine "puts faith in the context of everyday life. With a strong focus on social justice, we offer a fresh and balanced take on the issues that matter most in our world, adding a faith perspective to such challenges as poverty, education, family life, and pop culture."

"Each month's issue is packed with comprehensive reporting, in-depth interviews, colorful opinion essays, cultural commentary, media reviews, and more."

Email contact:

It's also available online at: U.S. Catholic

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Friday, January 12, 2018

A Receipt for Magazine Subscription-cum-Donation Gives Out History, Too

A receipt for a monthly Catholic magazine subscription-cum-donation, dated March 22, 1933
My father, Dr. Peter D'Costa, B.H., was a voracious reader -- of newspapers, magazines, and books. I inherited this trait from him! 

When he was in Calcutta (now called 'Kolkata') of British India, he had subscribed to the illustrated Catholic monthly magazine, called India

On receiving the subscription amount, he was sent an official receipt that still gives out, after a long 85 years, quite a bit of history that is both instructive and illuminating.

The receipt mentions the following: 

  • The date of the subscription receipt was "22/3/33" [March 22, 1933].
  • The name of the magazine was "India," an English-language Catholic monthly, which later became extant.
  • It was published from "Nova Goa" [New Goa], "Portuguese India" [a Portuguese colony in western India]. It is interesting to note that although Portuguese was the official language of the then Goa, this English-language monthly was intended for the English-language readers of both Goa and the British India.
  • The editor of the monthly was "Rev. A. P. Lopes," a Roman Catholic priest.
  • The annual subscription was "Rs. 1:8:0" [Indian 1 rupee and 8 annas]. 
  • My father's name was "P.D'Costa, B.H." [Peter D'Costa, Bachelor of Homeopathy] and he lived at "68 Linton Street, Calcutta" (The Linton Street is still there in the Beniapukur area of Kolkata).
  • The name of the pharmacy of my father was "St. Joseph's Homeo Pharmacy."
  • Rs. 1:8:0 was not only a subscription to the 'India' magazine, it was also considered "a donation towards the Missions of India."
  • The editor also mentioned "your name has been added to the list of donors, for whose welfare several Masses and prayers are offered every year."
Previously, in another write-up of mine, I also mentioned how a January 9, 1943 Calcutta house rent receipt also gives out an interesting history. You may click on the following to read it: Flirting With the Past: A House Rent Receipt Speaks History 

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Wednesday, November 15, 2017

SALT+LIGHT Magazine: A Publication of Toronto

SALT+LIGHT Magazine -- an occasional publication from Toronto
Published seasonally by Salt and Light Catholic Media Foundation, this illustrated Catholic magazine provides news, features, articles and opinions on important Catholic Church and papal events and teaching, Catholic personalities and saints, Salt+Light TV programmes and initiatives, and more.  

It aims to be one of the instruments of the New Evangelization, earlier proposed by late Pope John Paul II. It is "dedicated to being -- and helping others become -- the salt of the earth and the light of the world." Its "mission is to proclaim Jesus Christ and the joy of the Gospel to the world by telling stories of hope that bring people closer to Christ and the Catholic faith."

Email contact:

It's also available online in English from Toronto at: SALT+LIGHT Magazine

It's also available online in French from Montreal at: Sel+Lumiere

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Tuesday, June 14, 2016

SCARBORO MISSIONS: A Publication of Toronto

Scarboro Missions -- a bi-monhly magazine -- from Toronto
This magazine, published by the Scarboro Foreign Mission Society, features missionary activities in the Caribbean, Asia, and Latin America, socio-religious and justice issues, interreligious dialogue, environment, and more that are in line with the Catholic Church's social teachings. 

Email contact:

It's also available online at: Scarboro Missions

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Tuesday, May 31, 2016

CANACA THUTHAN: A Publication of Toronto

CanaCaThuthan -- a Tamil-language Catholic newspaper -- from Toronto
It's a voice of the Canadian Tamil Catholics in the Greater Toronto Area (GTA). It publishes news and articles from the Vatican, Sri Lanka, Canada and world. 

It "evangelizes by proclaiming stories of God's great deeds taking place in the universal Church." It also "educates by challenging its readers to a deeper understanding of Catholic teaching and to a greater commitment in living it out." Finally, it "informs by providing objective and accurate news information about the Church, both local and worldwide."

Email contact:

It's also available online at: CanCaThuthan

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Monday, March 21, 2016

IL MIO PAPA (My Pope) -- A Magazine Solely on the Pope

Il Mio Papa (My Pope) -- an Italian-language weekly magazine on the incumbent Pope
Photo courtesy:

 A new illustrated print-magazine, entirely dedicated to the sitting Pope, publishes stories about people and events that inspire the pope; background information on papal remarks; pope's meetings, pronouncements, engagements and audiences; a collection of international cartoons on the pope; a list of the week's TV programmes on the issues related to faith and Christianity; "saints of the week" column, and more. 

Readers can also send letters, poems and other contributions for publication in the magazine. 

Independent Italian publisher, Mondadori, publishes it in several thousand copies a week from Segrate, near Rome, Italy. 

The online edition of the magazine is available at: Il Mio Papa

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Wednesday, October 14, 2015

CONVIVIUM: A Catholic Magazine

A 'Convivium' magazine cover
Image courtesy:

It's a monthly Catholic magazine, published from Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, bringing together "citizens of different convictions and religious confessions" and "promoting and defending faith in our common life."

It's print magazine, but also is partially available online at: Convivium Magazine

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Wednesday, June 10, 2015

'First Things' -- A Catholic Journal

'First Things' magazine
Image courtesy:

It is a monthly Catholic journal of religion, culture, and public life, published from New York, USA.

It is a print journal, but also available online at: First Things

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Monday, June 8, 2015

'Regina' Magazine's Spain Issue Is A Fascinating Read

The April 2015 issue of the Regina magazine
Photo courtesy: Regina magazine

The Regina magazine of April, 2015 exclusively devoted the whole issue to Spain. This is a fascinating read for readers interested in history, sociology, and religion of Spain.

You may read this 348-page Regina magazine issue that covers the following topics:

  • Pelayo & the Cradle of Catholicism
  • Bipolarism of Catholic Spain
  • An Ancient Mass in Modern Madrid
  • The Great Champion of Christian Spain
  • St. Dominic & the Hounds of God
  • Day Thirteen on the Camino
  • The Drama of Isabella the Catholic
  • The Tragic Daughters of Isabella
  • Queen of Chess
  • Serious Spanish Sweets
  • The Truth about Muslim Spain
  • The Mozarabic Rite
  • The Strange Story of Cordoba's Cathedral
  • Beautiful Spanish Mantillas
  • Teresa of Avila
  •  Tomas Victoria
  • Conquistador
  • The Real First Thanksgiving
  • Nine Catholic Women of Spain
  • St. Leocadia of Toledo
  • Faith Under Fire
  • Spanish Fashionista Styling
  • True Catholic Selves
You may also read the past issues of the Regina magazine here.

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