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Cartoon courtesy: The Toronto Sun (May 11, 2012) |
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Cartoon courtesy: The Globe and Mail (Toronto: May 10, 2012) |
U.S. President Barack Obama on May 9, in an interview with the ABC
News, said he now supports the same-sex (homosexual) marriage in the U.S.A. He
said his support for gay marriage evolved through several years although initially he had supported
marriage between a man and woman only. Later he supported gay civil unions
instead of marriage.
Barack Obama is the first U.S. president to openly voice his
endorsement for the same-sex marriage which is a contentious issue in the
polarized U.S.A. There are Americans who demand gay marriage, whereas there are
others who vehemently oppose this type of marriage because, to them, a valid
marriage is only between a male and a female.
“I’ve just concluded that, for me personally, it is important for me to
go ahead and affirm that I think same-sex couples should be able to get
married,” Mr. Obama said.
It is interesting to note, as if a part of a choreographed play, U.S.
Vice-President Joe Biden, in order to test the waters ahead of the President,
in an interview with the NBC on May 6, said he was “completely comfortable”
with the same-sex marriage. He also mentioned that they should get “the same
exact rights” heterosexual married couples receive. Vice-President Joe Biden is
a Roman Catholic politician and he went against his Church’s teaching on
marriage between a man and woman only and gave his support to the homosexual
Next day, on May 7, U.S. Education Secretary Arne Duncan expressed his
support for the gay marriage, too.
These endorsements from the President, Vice-President and Education
Secretary are their personal opinions only, gay marriage does not become
official in the U.S.A. The laws on marriage are determined by individual
states. So far about a half dozen states made laws allowing gay marriage, whereas
31 states already passed constitutional amendment banning same-sex marriage.
The above notable endorsements will no doubt energize the gay marriage movement
in the U.S.A. and abroad.
Reactions to the President’s announcement were immediate. Mitt Romney,
the presumptive Republican Party nominee for president, expressed his
opposition to the same-sex marriage or same-sex unions.
Roman Catholic bishops rejected Mr. Obama’s declaration. Cardinal
Timothy M. Dolan of New York, president of the U.S. Catholic Bishops’
Conference, said on May 9: “President Obama’s words today are not surprising
since they follow upon various actions already taken by his administration that
erode or ignore the unique meaning of marriage. We cannot be silent in the face
of words and actions that would undermine the institution of marriage, the very
cornerstone of our society. The people of this country, especially our
children, deserve better.”
Gay marriage is officially legal country-wide in the following countries:
Argentina, Belgium, Canada, Iceland, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain,
South Africa and Sweden. Of these, Roman-Catholic majority countries are
Argentina, Belgium, Portugal and Spain.
Gay marriage or gay civil unions are partially legal in some states
(provinces) of Brazil, Mexico and U.S.A.