
-- a 1995 book in Bengali speaks of the contributions
of Christians in the Bangladesh War of Independence
So far many books have been written and many documents have been prepared on the Bangladesh Liberation War, also called Bangladesh War of Independence. To get a complete picture of this deadly war, we need to read books by different writers who have seen the war from different perspectives.
A partial list of books are mentioned below for our readers.
A partial list of books are mentioned below for our readers.
- Bangladesh: Contemporary Events and Documents (Bangladesh Ministry of Foreign Affairs, External Publicity Division, 1971)
- Bloodbath in Bangladesh by Prabodh Chandra (New Delhi, India: Adarsh Publication, 1971)
- Daktar-Diplomat in Bangladesh by Viggo Olsen (Chicago: Moody Press, 1972)
- Dateline Bangladesh by Ajit Bhattacharjea (Bombay, India: Jaico Publishing House, 1971)
- Death to Life: Bangladesh (The Experience of an American Missionary Family) by Rev. Jim (James) McKinley (1979)
- Genocide in Bangladesh by Kalayan Chaudhury (Orient Longman, 1972)
- Muktijuddhe Amra: Christander Obodan (We in the Liberation War: Contributions of Christians), (In Bengali), Edited by Sunil Perera et al (Dhaka: Pratibeshi Prakashani, 1995)
- Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and the Birth of Bangladesh by K. A. Kamal (Dacca: Shainpukur Art Press, 1972)
- The Challenge of Bangladesh by Pran Chopra (Bombay, India: Popular Prakashan Press, 1971)
- The Rape of Bangladesh by Anthony Mascarenhas (London: Vikas Publ., 1971)
- Bangladesh Genocide Archive: List of Books on the Liberation War of Bangladesh (Books in English and Bengali)
- Banglar.com: Books on Liberation War 1971
- Liberation War Museum, Dhaka: Documents on Crimes Against Humanity Committed by Pakistan Army and Their Agents in Bangladesh in 1971 (Books in English and Bengali)
- Mukto-mona.com: English Literature on the 1971 War of Liberation & Genocide
- Wikipedia.org: List of Books on Liberation War of Bangladesh
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