
on Danforth and Eldon avenues in Toronto for 12:00 a.m. tribute
to the language martyrs, who were killed in Dhaka in 1952,
for demanding Bangla (Bengali) to be made be made one of the
state languages along with Urdu

on the same street corner
Photos (Toronto: February 20, 2011 -- 8:14 - 8:18 p.m.) © Jerome D'Costa
Two Shaheed Minars on the same street in close proximity. The purpose is one and the only one -- to pay tribute to the Bangla language martyrs of Bangladesh. Do we need two when one can serve the purpose?
The great divide is passing all the way from Bangladesh to other parts of the world.
The great divide is passing all the way from Bangladesh to other parts of the world.
But why two when there is just one Aim- To commemorate the Bangalee martyrs?