
Doodle (Dhaka: July 2, 1991) © Jerome D'Costa
The Digital Chaos
The Internet, cellphone, computer, video games, i-pods, tablets and the like
Are the modern means of digital communication.
These media are proliferating at a breakneck speed
Unseen anything like this before.
Our previous slow-paced and restful lives
Are, as if, remnants of the distant past.
The life now is "go, get it now,"
Now, now, now, n-o-w!
The information overload is too much to bear,
The urgency is the call of the day.
The resultant chaos is evident in our lives
Though denied by the stakeholders of these media.
We're losing our own identity,
The span of our attention is shortening,
The length of our patience is on the wane
Making us all the more hyper.
We're hiding behind the masks of digitalia,
Giving a kick on the back of our face-to-face communication.
Reading of books is already becoming a chore,
Taking us on to the long road of illiteracy.
We're becoming addicted to these media,
Ultimately losing control of ourselves.
Unnecessary bombardment of personal information
Is making our lives more stressful.
If the digital life takes over our regular life,
We become more and more demeaned, undignified,
Only the balance between these two lives
Can bring about a stability in our personality and outlook.
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