Vice President Joe Biden |
Image by Joachim Romeo D'Costa
Our observation and gut feeling makes us fore-believe that Democratic Vice President Joe Biden will win the 2020 American election in spite of the chaotic electioneering in the USA.
Reasons for his win can be summarized as such:
President Donald Trump, the Republican presidential candidate, has for the last four years failed to demonstrate a real leadership fit for the U.S. presidency, rather he has proved time and again that instead of being a leader he has been a micro-manager. Micro-managers are persons who suffer from a type of inferiority complex and try to compensate for this lacking with micro-supervision of everything and everybody.
President Donal Trump has shown such a bullying and street ruffian talk, manner, and behaviour that many are tired of and repelled by him. Some are sick of his dividing attitude rather than a uniting one.
There are Republicans, who supported him before, became victims of Trump's demeaning nicknames and tongue-lashings for even little disagreements and critiques. These disgruntled Republicans, although small in number, will vote for Biden.
Among the Blacks, who were undecided before, tilted toward Joe Biden after the Black Lives Matter movement got thrashed by President Trump.
Latinos similarly leaned toward Biden as they were blamed for being intruders, murderers, and rapists by the Trump government. Moreover, many Latino children were separated from their accompanying parents entering the U.S. illegally. Years passed but parents of these children are still not being able to be relocated.
The misogynistic language, attitude, and behaviour of Donald Trump alienated many American women of different ethnic backgrounds. In addition, Trump also has a bad reputation for sexually abusing women. He has a bad reputation for not placing women in important positions in his government.
Donald Trump's phony conservativeness also alienated many young people, especially students, who are usually progressive in their outlook. Because of his lip service of this conservativeness, a good number of Evangelical Christians and Roman Catholics are thinking not to support Trump anymore.
President Trump does not have any solid and concerted plan for dealing with the onslaught of the COVID - 19 pandemic. As a result, elderly people have been affected adversely. A good number of elderly persons, who had supported him in the 2016 election, are shifting their allegiance to the Democrats.
Some people are extremely irritated by the disrespect that is evidenced in Trump's talks and behaviour. He thinks he is the centre of the universe and gives demeaning and insulting nicknames to his opponents and persons not agreeing with him fully. From his childhood, he learned this disrespect from his parents and it will never go away. His dysfunctional family life is a bad example for many, too.
The presidential election of 2016 and 2020 are completely different. A lot of water has passed in the last four years. Things have changed a lot. The Biden win will be one of these changes.