Climate strike protesters gathering
at the Queen's Park, Toronto |
Strikers are entering the Queen's Park |
Posters on a wall outside the Queen's Park TTC Station |
Strikers are distributing literature on
climate change and their demands |
A poster demanding 'system change,
not climate change' |
A striker distributing posters
at the Queen's Park compound |
A poster on the ground |
A stall distributing literature on climate change |
A poster asking for making a choice and being courageous in taking action for climate change |
A student holds out a poster |
Two student participants in the Queen's Park climate strike |
Another striker against the ill-effects of the Canadian oil pipelines |
Father-son participants in the climate strike in Toronto |
Photos (Climate strike protest at the Queen's Park,
Toronto: Sept. 27, 2019) © Jerome D'Costa
Thousands of men, women, students, and children took to the streets of more than 80 cities and towns of Canada today participating in the global climate strike protest that's being held all over the world.
More than 15,000 people took part in it at the Queen's Park where the Ontario provincial Legislative Assembly is situated, reports CTV News. They carried protest banners, posters, and signs condemning government inaction or inadequate action and demanded immediate action for reducing the global warming for the safety and security of the future generations.
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