Sunday, December 31, 2017

The Quotation of the Week (December 31, 2017 - January 6, 2018)

A quotation of Lao-Tze on 'words, actions, habits, character, and destiny,' compiled by Jerome D'Costa
Photo (An underside view of a 2018 brand new Toyota car on display in a dealership in Toronto: Dec. 9, 2017) © Jerome D'Costa

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Saturday, December 30, 2017

VOICE: A Publication of Toronto

Voice -- Portuguese-language weekly from Toronto
It's a Portuguese-language weekly newspaper for the Portuguese-Canadians in the Greater Toronto Area. It covers, politics, economy, business, finance, entertainment, religion, environment, sports, and more. 

Email contact:

It's also available online at: Voice

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Friday, December 29, 2017

EQUALITY: A Publication of Toronto

Equality -- a weekly newspaper -- from Toronto
This newspaper, catering to the Guyanese, West Indians, Sri Lankans, and Indians in the Greater Toronto Area, publishes news, features, articles, and opinions on politics, economy, business, finance, entertainment, food, environment, health, sports, and more. 

Email contact:

It's also available online at: Equality

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Thursday, December 28, 2017

NEW CONDO GUIDE: A Publication of Toronto

New Condo Guide -- a bi-weekly magazine -- of Toronto
This magazine deals with buying and selling of condos, property profiles, design and style, showcasing homes, community profiles, furniture, condo lifestyle, investment in condos, occupancy tips, luxury condominium details, moving, legal advice, surrounding areas near condos, insurance matters, maps showing condo locations, and more.

Email contact:

It's also available online at: New Condo Guide

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Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Pope Francis Berates the Roman Curia In His Pre-Christmas Address

Pope Francis addresses members of the Roman Curia on Dec. 21, 2017
Photo courtesy: Vatican News

Like some other years in the recent past, Pope Francis addressed the Roman Curia (Vatican's bureaucratic officials under him) and greeted them. At the same time, he did not lose the opportunity to publicly remind them of their failings as well as their resistance to his reforms. 

Pope Francis, in his address, rebuked the ''traitors'' among the Curia members and also "unbalanced and debased mindset of plots and small cliques." He also mentioned that some Vatican bureaucratic officials "when they are quietly sidelined, wrongfully declare themselves martyrs of the system" rather than acknowledging their own failures.

For more details, please read the following:

Previous Christmas Addresses of Pope Francis 
to the Roman Curia:





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Tuesday, December 26, 2017

CAN-INDIA NEWS: A Publication of Toronto

Can-India News -- A weekly newspaper from Toronto
This newspaper, catering to the Indian-Canadians of the Greater Toronto Area (GTA), covers Canada, India, South Asia, and world by providing news, features, articles, and opinions on own community, politics, economy, business, finance, entertainment, art and culture, science and technology, books, automobiles, health and fitness, education, employment, fashion, food, restaurants, law and order, travel, sports, and more. 

Email contact:

It's also available online at: Can-India News 

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Monday, December 25, 2017

Merry Christmas To You All!

Photo (An enchanting Christmas lighting of a household in Scarborough, Toronto: Dec. 15, 2017) © Jerome D'Costa

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Sunday, December 24, 2017

The Quotation of the Week (December 24 - 30, 2017)

A quotation of Napoleon Hill on 'achievement,' compiled by Jerome D'Costa
Photo (An Ontario-grown pumpkin kept as a decoration outside a house in Scarborough, Toronto: Dec. 10, 2017) © Jerome D'Costa

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Saturday, December 23, 2017

NOVELLA: A Publication of Toronto

Novella -- A publication of Toronto

It's "a visual artvertorial featuring talents from fashion, lifestyle, art and culture. It is the result of rigorous curation and creative storytelling."

It provides news, features, articles, and information on art and sculpture, books, fashion and style, health and beauty, cosmetics, culture, music, movies, TV, videos, books, and more.

Email contact:

It's also available online at: Novella

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Friday, December 22, 2017

THE GREEK PRESS: A Publication of Toronto

The Greek Press -- a weekly newspaper from Toronto
It's a weekly Greek-English-language newspaper for the Greek Canadians of Toronto. This community newspaper has the mandate to "present the life and achievements of a vibrant and strong Greek Canadian community in the Greater Toronto Area, while keeping up to date with news and editorials that concern the current bi-cultural, bilingual and critical reader of today's connected world." 

It presents news, features, opinions, and articles on politics, economy, business, finance, religion, personalities, theatre, movies, sports, and more. 

Email contact:

It's also available online at: The Greek Press

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Thursday, December 21, 2017

A Catholic Priest-Turned-Layperson's Reflection on Christmas

Dr. James Kottoor

Dr. James Kottoor, former editor of The New Leader -- a Catholic newspaper in India -- and present editor-in-chief in the Church Citizens' Voice (CCV) web portal that gives voice to the Kerala Catholic Church Reformation Movement, provides a critical reflection on Christmas. He emphasizes on one's self-emptying and being humbler among others. 

This new write-up of Dr. James Kottoor, can be read at:  What's Christmas? It's Self-Emptying, Highest Becoming the Lowest! (the cattle class!) (Dec. 20, 2017)

One of his earlier reflection on Christmas was: Dr. James Kottoor on Christmas (Dec. 8, 2013)

To read his long array of write-ups on different subjects, please click on: Dr. James Kottoor

To have a look at his colourful life, you may read: Dr. James Kottoor

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Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Brother Fulgence Dougherty, C.S.C., Dies

Brother Fulgence Dougherty, C.S.C. (1922-2017)
Photo courtesy:

Brother Fulgence Dougherty, C.S.C., belonging to the Congregation of Holy Cross, died on December 17, 2017 from old-age illness and complications at Notre Dame, Indiana, USA. He was 95 years old.  

Brother Dougherty served in various capacities in the USA, Bangladesh, Liberia, and Ghana. He was a renowned missionary teacher and headmaster. At the University of Portland, Oregon, USA, he was the Director of International Student Services from 1978 to 1992. He will be fondly remembered by many of his students, friends, and colleagues.  

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NOBODIP NEWS: A Publication of Toronto

Nobodip News -- A publication of Toronto
It's a Bengali-language weekly community newspaper covering Canada, Bangladesh, and world by featuring news, features, and articles on politics, economy, business, finance, entertainment, law and order, community events, education, short stories, poems, sports, and more. 

Email contact:

It's also available online at: Nobodip News

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Sunday, December 17, 2017

The Quotation of the Week (December 17 - 23, 2017)

A quotation of Queen Elizabeth II on 'Christmas,' compiled by Jerome D'Costa
Photo (A play of clouds in the sky over Scarborough, Toronto: Nov. 27, 2017) © Jerome D'Costa

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Sunday, December 10, 2017

The Quotation of the Week (December 10 - 16, 2017)

A quotation of Steve Jobs on 'death,' compiled by Jerome D'Costa
Artwork (Christian symbols of death: Nov. 1, 2017) © Mary D'Costa

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Monday, December 4, 2017

NOW: A Publication of Toronto

Now -- a weekly newspaper -- from Toronto
It's an alternative weekly newspaper that provides news, features, articles, and opinions covering politics, economy, business, finance, art and culture, society, food and restaurants, music, films, theatre, environment, fashion, life and style, books, sports and more. 

Email contact:

It's also available online at: Now

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Sunday, December 3, 2017

The Quotation of the Week (December 3 - 9, 2017)

A quotation of Pope Francis on 'children and the elderly,' compiled by Jerome D'Costa
Artwork by Ryan Andre D'Costa (3½ years old)

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Saturday, December 2, 2017

Pope Francis Visits Mother Teresa's Home, Meets Priests and Religious, Visits Historic Church and Cemetery, and Talks to Youths Before Departure from Dhaka

Pope Francis' Third and Final Day in Bangladesh

Pope Francis visits historic Portuguese-built 17th century-church and cemetery at Tejgaon, Dhaka (Dec. 2, 2017)
Photo courtesy: Reuters

Pope Francis today (December 2) made a private visit to the Mother Teresa's Home, run by her Missionaries of Charity Sisters at Tejgaon and met and spoke with the Sisters and the orphans, and old and sick people who receive their care. He then met a few hundred priests, Brothers, Sisters, consecrated men and women, seminarians and novices at the nearby Holy Rosary Church. He also visited the adjacent Portuguese-built historic old church and cemetery. Finally, he went to Notre Dame College in Motijheel area of Dhaka and talked with the youth belonging to different religions before leaving for the Dhaka International Airport from where he flew to Rome in a Biman Bangladesh Airlines plane. It is noteworthy that he came to Bangladesh on November 30 morning from Myanmar on a Biman Bangladesh Airlines plane, too.  

For more on Pope's third and final day in Bangladesh, please click on the following: 

(Updated on Dec. 4, 2017)

(To go to Pope Francis's First Day in Bangladesh, click here)

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Friday, December 1, 2017

Pope Francis Ordains Priests And Meets With Bishops, Inter-religious Leaders and Rohingya Refugees in Dhaka

Pope Francis's Second Day in Bangladesh

Pope Francis ordains a deacon to Catholic priesthood at the solemn Mass at Suhrawardy Uddyan, Dhaka (Dec. 1, 2017)
Photo courtesy: CTV photo via BTV

More than 80,000 Catholics from all over Bangladesh attend the papal Mass at Suhrawardy Uddyan, Dhaka (Dec. 1, 2017)
Photo courtesy: Reuters

Pope meets with Catholic Bishops of Bangladesh at the Archbishop's House, Ramna, Dhaka (Dec. 1, 2017)
Photo courtesy: Osservatore Romano

More than 80,000 Catholics from around Bangladesh, a number of government officials, members of foreign diplomatic corps, inter-religious leaders, and ecumenical Church leaders attended Pope Francis's solemn concelebrated Mass at Suhrawarthy Uddyan park in Dhaka today, reports various news sources. 

In his homily, Pope Francis expressed his gratitude to all and said: "I know that many of you came from afar, for a trip for more than two days. Thank you for your generosity. This indicates the love you have for the Church," reports the Daily Star. 

He also encouraged and inspired 16 deacons by saying: "you are to be raised to the Order of the Priesthood.  For your part, you will exercise the sacred duty of teaching in the name of Christ the Teacher.  Impart to everyone the word of God which you have received with joy.  Meditating on the law of the Lord, see that you believe what you read, that you teach what you believe, and that you practice what you teach."

Meeting Bangladesh's Catholic bishops at the Archbishop's House at Ramna, he appreciated the pastoral plan of the bishops and encouraged them to continue their work earnestly. He laid emphasis on the importance of the laity in the Church, saying: "At the same time, I would ask you to show ever greater pastoral closeness to the lay faithful.  There is a need to promote their effective participation in the life of your particular Churches, not least through the canonical structures that provide for their voices to be heard and their experiences acknowledged.  Recognize and value the charisms of lay men and women, and encourage them to put their gifts at the service of the Church and of society as a whole.  I think here of the many dedicated catechists in this country, whose apostolate is essential for the growth of the faith and for the Christian formation of the next generation.  They are true missionaries and leaders of prayer, especially in the more remote areas.  Be concerned for their spiritual needs and for their continuing education in the faith."

In the inter-religious peace gathering at the same compound, Pope Francis welcomed all and encouraged them to work for solidarity, harmony, and peace. He also said: "Openness of heart is likewise a path that leads to the pursuit of goodness, justice and solidarity.... A spirit of openness, acceptance and cooperation between believers does not simply contribute to a culture of harmony and peace; it is its beating heart."

Meeting with some Myanmar Rohingya refugees in the gathering, he said: "The presence of God today is also called Rohingya... In the name of all of those who have persecuted you, hurt you, I ask forgiveness. I appeal to your large hearts to give us the forgiveness that we are asking."

Pope Francis rides on a cycle rickshaw at the Archbishop's House at Ramna, Dhaka (Dec. 1, 2017)
Photo courtesy: AP

Pope Francis also rode on a cycle rickshaw in the Archbishop's House compound in Dhaka. He is the second Pope to do so. The first pope to ride on a rickshaw was Pope John Paul II in his 1986 visit to Bangladesh. The Guinness Book of World Records should consider to mention Pope John Paul II's name as the first rickshaw-riding pope in the world in more than 2,000-year history of the Catholic Church. 

For more, click on the following:

(Updated on Dec. 4, 2017)

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Thursday, November 30, 2017

Pope Francis On Arrival Receives A Cordial Welcome in Bangladesh

Pope Francis' First Day in Bangladesh

Bangladesh President Abdul Hamid officially receives Pope Francis at the Dhaka Airport (Nov. 30, 2017)
Photo courtesy: Reuters

(L-R) Bangladesh and Vatican flags furl on a roadside in Dhaka (Nov. 30, 2017)   
Photo courtesy: AFP

On his arrival in Dhaka, Pope Francis, as head of the Vatican State, was given a red-carpet welcome, including a guard of honour, by Bangladesh President Abdul Hamid. Delegations of political and religious authorities, and a groups of children, with their flowers, singing and dancing, were also there. 

Later, praising Bangladesh's efforts in helping the hapless Rohingya refugees within its borders, the Pope also took the opportunity to earnestly appeal to the international communities to extend their hands as much as possible. 

To know more on Pope's visit, please see the following:

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Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Before Pope's Visit, A Catholic Priest Goes Missing, Ransom Demanded

 Father Walter William Rozario 
Photo courtesy:

Father Walter William Rozario, 40, an assistant priest of Borni Catholic Church of Natore District  goes missing in the middle of his hectic preparation for bringing his 300-member Catholic group to Dhaka for the visit of Pope Francis on November 30. His younger brother reported to the local police that the miscreants demanded Tk. 300,000 (US. $3,618) for his release.

Local police chief told AFP, "He has been missing since late Monday [Nov. 27]. His mobile [cellphone] has been switched off." Gervas Rozario, Bishop of Rajshahi Diocese, believe that the priest has been kidnapped and Catholics in the region were deeply worried. The police are engaged in a vigorous search for Fr. Rozario. 

Islamic militants in the recent past were active in the region kidnapping, shooting, and killing people of minority communities. Father Walter Rozario hails from Borni Catholic village, where a local Catholic grocer, Sunil Gomes was mercilessly hacked to death in June, 2016. 

For more on Father Walter William Rozario, please read the following:

News Update: Father Walter William Rozario Has Been Found

New Twist in the Disappearance of Father Walter William Rozario: He Fled in Face of Accusations of Sexual Misconduct 

(Updated on Dec. 2 and 4, 2017)
(Updated on June 15, 2018)

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