underground train station
Photo (Toronto: June 7, 2011) © Jerome D'Costa
Whether one recognizes homosexuality as right or wrong, as legal or illegal, as a God-given condition or a sin against God, it is there in reality. Real homosexuals, although a small number in comparison to the number of heterosexuals, are there – in some countries in the open, in others under the cover.
- Homosexuality
- Homosexuality
- What is Homosexuality?
- Homosexuality
- Homosexuality
- Timeline of Homosexuality
- Homosexuality in History
- History of Homosexuality
- A History of Homosexuality
- Homosexuality in the Middle Ages
- The Experience of Homosexuality in the Middle Ages
- Homosexuality: Coming to Terms (TIME magazine)
- What Makes People Gay?
- "This is the way God made me" -- A Scientific Examination of Homosexuality and the "Gay Gene"
- Homosexuality: Nature or Nurture
- Homosexuality: Nature or Nurture?
- Nature versus Nurture: Homosexuality's Link to Biology and Society
- Nature Vs. Nurture
- Nature, not Nurture?: New Studies Suggest Homosexuality Has Biological Basis...
- Genetics and Homosexuality: Are People Born Gay? The Biological Basis for Sexual Orientation
- Biology and Sexual Orientation
- Homosexuality: Facts for Teens
- Just the Facts About Sexual Orientation & Youth
- Homosexuality and Religion: An Encyclopedia (a book by Jeffrey S. Siker) (Portions of the book available for reading online)
- Homosexuality & Civilization (a book by Louis Crompton) (Portions of the book available for reading online)
- The Origins and Role of Same-Sex Relations in Human Societies (a book by James Neill) (Portions of the book available for reading online)
- Sociological Control of Homosexuality: A Multi-Nation Comparison (a book edited by Donald J. West and Richard Green) (Portions of this book available for reading online)