Sunday, April 26, 2020

The Quotation of the Week (April 26 - May 2, 2020)

A quotation of Will Smith on 'the importance of the
comprehension of the education material and 

its application in life,' compiled by Jerome D'Costa
Photo (The City of Toronto through the front car window:
 Jan. 20, 2019) © Jerome D'Costa

Sunday, April 19, 2020

The Quotation of the Week (April 19 - 25, 2020)

A quotation of Hugh Jackman on 'multicultural food,'
compiled by Jerome D'Costa
Photo (A painting on a wall of a Tibetan restaurant 
in Toronto: Feb. 17, 2019) © Jerome D'Costa

Monday, April 13, 2020

Italians Turn To Saints For Their Intervention During The Coronavirus Onslaught

Saints -- Italian and non-Italian -- in heaven
Image courtesy:

Italy, having the headquarters (the 'throne' of the popes -- who were mostly Italian) of the Roman Catholic Church, is a breeding ground for saints. So far, this country has a greater share of several thousand saints than any other country. There are hundreds of cathedrals, basilicas, shrines, and churches with the names of saints. Many lanes and bylanes of Italian cities and towns have little family shrines to Italian saints, who are venerated and whose intercession is sought. 

There are also saints' entire bodies, body parts (skulls, hands, and fingers), other types of bones, and relics in different churches and chapels in Italy. Many a time, veneration of and prayer to saints is overdone, neglecting required veneration of God and Jesus Christ the Saviour. 

Saints work as role models for Catholics. Their veneration is an important part of Catholicism. Seeking their intercession during the time of anxiety, crisis, epidemic, and war is a must for Catholics. There are stories of saints who, in the long past, had intervened miraculously during epidemics. St. Corona, an Italian, is one of them. 

During this COVID-19 coronavirus outbreak, many Italians, especially elderly ones, died in droves. Many of them and the living ones have sought the miraculous intervention of God, Jesus, and saints. More than 100 Catholic priests, in the service of the coronavirus patients in Italy, died of this same disease. Other Catholics in the world are desparately seeking the help of saints, too. So far, there is no sign of any miraculous mass cures from the virus attack or a sudden remission of it.

The Catholic Church now is more than 2,000 years old. In the early centuries, men and women, deemed holy by the local populace were canonized on their public acclamation. Then local bishops could canvass for the canonization of persons under their care. It was then easy to get saints in one's midst. Due to natural human frailties, there were some bogus acclamations and some favoritism and nepotism in the absence of a neutral investigative process. Later, as redress to this problem, the saint-making process became a little more difficult and lengthened with the introduction of the 'devil's advocate' (advocatus diaboli). From Pope John Paul II's time,  the devil's advocate position was removed and saint-making became a little easier and faster. 

Please read below for more information on saints:

(Updated on April 14, 2020)

Sunday, April 12, 2020

The Quotation of the Week (April 12 - 18)

A quotation of Caroline Klein Simon 'looking, acting,
thinking, and working by a woman,'
compiled by Jerome D'Costa
Photo (A display of lipsticks in the Hudson's Bay Store 
in Scarborough Town Centre, Toronto: June 10, 2019)

Friday, April 10, 2020

The Good News, Positivity, and Silver Lining In Face of COVID-19 Coronavirus Attack

Six-year-old Ryan Andre D'Costa's art (Dec. 25, 2019)

The COVID-19 coronavirus outbreak has engulfed the whole world with a vengeance. By April 10,  worldwide, 1,696,244 coronavirus cases, 102,594 deaths, and 375,958 recoveries have been reported (Source:  

Millions and millions of people world over have lost their jobs, kept themselves quarantined or isolated not knowing what would befall them further. People of any country, any color, and any status are living in profound apprehension, fear, and anxiety.

In this situation of negativity, bad news, and hopelessness, there are some good news, positivity, and silver lining in different parts of the world. 

Please read the following to keep yourselves and others near you uplifted in spirit:

Thursday, April 9, 2020

Greetings to World Doctors, Nurses, and Front Line Workers During This COVID-19 Crisis

Artwork: Adrian D'Costa

Hope and Darkness

By Adrian D’Costa

COVID-19 is the epiphany of shadowy darkness,
It tests our will power and tries to stray us from our usual pace.
Are we afraid of the spread of this virus?
Of course, we are. But we don’t despair or make much fuss.

Some of us are quarantined and many of us are self-isolated,
We do not lose hope, although, for the cure, there is no vaccine or med.
Thanks to our doctors, nurses, and front line workers as they are toiling hard,
The very thought of losing this horrid battle is just unthinkable and absurd.

We, the Humanity, defy to bow down,
And we will find a way as always history has shown.
Our armoured bodies are at Normandy, Vimy Ridge, and Passchendaele,
As allied troops, we cannot let Human Element falter or fail.
Vulnerable, poor and sick are looking for hope everywhere,
As citizens of the world, with them, love and affection we do share.

Darkness was there before many a time,
It can’t make us blind or make us mime.
Till we find a cure we will fight against COVID-19,
Our next-gen will know, for survival, what does it really mean.

Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Coronavirus Outbreak Provides A Hey Day To The Sin Counters

Cardinal Raymond Leo Burke 
Photo courtesy: Public Radio International

Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano
Photo courtesy:

Evangelical pastor Rick Wiles
Photo courtesy: TruNews via 

COVID-19 coronavirus outbreak is providing a centre stage to the sin counters of various religions.  These self-righteous and judging-condemning people see things in black and white -- sinfulness and holiness. There is no grey area in their sight. They have been pontificating that this pestilence outbreak is a chastisement, punishment, or retribution for sins of abortion, fornication, homosexuality, and LGBTQ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and questioning) practices.  

This widespread virus attack and death in the world has levelled everything -- casteism, racism, feeling and practice of superiority and inferiority, richness and poverty, educational and intellectual pride and humbleness of illiteracy -- into a single line. 

Yet, we find that some religious leaders are shouting from the rooftops how God's severe punishment is befalling on the sinners of particular infractions. They are, as if, enjoying their hurtful pontification. 

When people are suffering so badly, when they are in anxiety, and unsure of their future earnings, this type of religious judgment and condemnation is not only pathetic but also shameful. Now is the time when suffering and anxiety-filled populace needs words of comfort, encouragement, and God's love and mercy all the more. 

It is easy to pontificate being in a comfortable and pompous position, but difficult in being in the real, hard, and suffering world. Religious leaders usually are well-trained and well-read in the teachings and practices of their religions. They easily understand and realize what is right and wrong, what verbalizations and actions go against the teachings of God. How many of the COVID-19 virus sufferers have the capacity for understanding and realizing the rightfulness or wrongfulness of their actions? 

If God really punished people for their serious sins, he would do it all the time in world history. According to the Old Testament of the Bible, Adam and Eve are the first man and woman created by God the almighty. Through the disobedience of God's command, they committed the first sin of mankind and were banished to the world from the blissful Garden of Eden. Their sin is called the Original Sin or Ancestral Sin, which gave rise to other sins of mankind. 

If God really took retribution for serious sins through natural disasters (cyclones, hurricanes, volcanoes, thunderstorms, famines, plagues, and pestilences, and man-made disasters like ethnic cleansings, murders, persecutions, revolts, wars, abductions and rapes of women, mafia and gang violence and human traffickings, usurpation of lands and properties, fornications, adulteries, and homosexualities), the world would really be depopulated by this time. The Bible speaks of God's punishment for human sins. According to the Bible description, the creation of the first human beings (Adam and Eve) occurred about five to ten thousand years ago. But in the real world, we find the existence of human beings (through skeletons and other artifacts) in different parts of the world as old as 100,000 to 300,000 years old. So, there were human beings even before Adam and Eve. Why didn't God punish the pre-Adamite peoples for their sins? Were the pre-Adamites sinless peoples?

Later in history, especially in the Middle Ages, we see how the Catholic Church and a number of its clergy in Europe and some colonies committed persecution of and injustice against apostates and heretics -- including people of other Christian denominations and religions, 'witches,' and others who did not follow Catholic Church teachings. What about the Hundred Years' War (1337-1453) and the Thirty Years' War (1618-1648) in Europe, the First World War (1914-1918), and the Second World War (1939-1945)? How cruel and barbarously evil methods were used in persecuting, killing and maiming of thousands and millions of people? People of other religions also had their own types of sins and injustices. Where was God in those evil times? Why didn't God chastise or punish them?

We see in the first several hundred years of its existence, married clergy were allowed in the Catholic Church. A good number of these priests, bishops, cardinals, and popes had engaged in adulteries, child sex abuses, rapes, illegally giving away church funds and properties to their children and concubines. To redress this situation, the celibate (unmarried) priesthood was introduced for unhindered and fulltime devotion and service to the Lord Jesus and his Church. That change also could not do away the normal human weaknesses and sins of the celibate priests and bishops. This has been well-proven in the last four decades when a good portion of the Catholic clergy (priests, bishops, and cardinals) were engaged in child sex abuses, bisexuality, homosexuality, heterosexuality (sexing with women or nuns, and, in a good number of cases, siring children and secretly paying church funds for their upkeep), misuse or embezzlement of church funds, and so and so forth. The cover-ups of these crimes and sins by their superiors were tantamount to participation in others' sins.  Why didn't God punish these clergy sinners en masse?    

Jesus Christ, who is believed by Christians, to be the second person of the blessed Trinity of God, himself said that sickness is not a punishment from God. We read in the Gospel of John 9:1-3: Now as Jesus was passing by, he saw a man blind from birth, and his disciples asked him, "Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?" Jesus answered, "Neither this man nor his parents sinned, but this happened so that the works of God would be displayed in him."

Please read the following for details on the recent COVID-19 outbreak:

Coronavirus Is a Chastisement For Sins
Coronavirus Is Not Punishment For Sins

Should People Attend Church Services En Masse?

Tuesday, April 7, 2020


KAKA Restaurant in downtown Toronto
Photo (March 5, 2019) © Jerome D'Costa

We don't know what 'KAKA' used in the name of this restaurant means. In the Maori language of New Zealand 'Kaka' is the name of a large parrot, in Hindi and Bengali languages, it means 'uncle,' and in an African language, it means 'King of Egypt.' Whatever, 'Kaka' is a good word. 

Sunday, April 5, 2020

The Quotation of the Week (April 5 - 11, 2020)

A quotation of Abhishek Ratna on 'changes that will come
with the COVID-19 outbreak,' compiled by Jerome D'Costa
Photo (Flowers in Toronto: June 30, 2019) © Jerome D'Costa