Sunday, December 29, 2019

The Quotation of the Week (December 29, 2019 - January 4, 2020)

A quotation of Pope Francis on 'taking care of
the elderly, children, and young,' compiled by Jerome D'Costa
Artwork by Ryan Andre D'Costa (aged 5 years)

Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Merry Christmas to You All!

Photo (Santa Claus' sleigh and other paraphernalia
on a lawn on Huntingwood Drive, Scarborough, Toronto)
© Jerome D'Costa (Nov. 2019)

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Quotation of the Week (December 22 - 28, 2019)

A quotation of Neil Hetherington on 'hunger,
income, disability, affordable housing,
transportation, and child care issues,'
compiled by Jerome D'Costa

Thursday, December 19, 2019

U.S. President Donald Trump Impeached By The House of Representatives

U.S. President Donald J. Trump
Artwork © Joachim Romeo D'Costa

Donald Trump, in his third year as the U.S. President, has been impeached in the U.S. House of Representatives on December 18. Next, the impeachment proceedings in the Senate will decide if he can remain in his office as the president. 

The House of Representatives (having the majority of its members as Democrats) as part of its impeachment proceedings, voted on two charges against the President -- (1) that President Donald Trump abused his power, and (2) that he obstructed Congress by refusing to cooperate with the impeachment inquiry, withholding documentary evidence, and preventing his important aides (assistants) from giving evidence. 

Now, as the second part of the impeachment procedure, the U.S. Senate will have to decide on whether the President should be removed from the power. It is unlikely to happen as the majority of Senate members belong to President Trump's party, the Republican party. The Senate's inquiry is supposed to take place in January of 2020.

Donald Trump is the third U.S. president to be impeached. The other two were: President Andrew Johnson (a Republican) who was impeached in 1868, and President Bill Clinton (a Democrat) impeached in 1998. Another president, Richard Nixon (a Republican) avoided the most possible impeachment by resigning from his office of the presidency in 1974.

For more, please read the following: 

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Pope Francis Abolishes 'Pontifical Secrecy' Rules For Clergy's Child Sex Abuse Cases

Pope Francis
Photo courtesy:

Pope Francis, on December 17, eliminated the existing 'pontifical secret' provision of the Catholic clergy sex abuse cases for greater transparency and cooperation with civil authorities. He also raised the age of a minor or child to 18 (previously it was 14 years). Any priest or bishop having sexual relations with a person under the age of 18 will be considered child sex abuse. A priest or bishop's possession of pornographic images of a person under the age of 18 will be considered a crime, too.   

The new Church laws allow qualified laypersons to represent and defend persons in Church tribunals in cases of sexual misconduct without having to ask permission. Previously, only the clergy was allowed to do it. 

For details, please read the following:

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Cardinal Carlo Maria Martini, S.J., Speaks On the State of Catholic Church Before His Death In 2012

Pope Benedict XVI with Italian Cardinal Carlo Maria Martini, S.J.
Photo courtesy:

Cardinal Carlo Maria Martini (1927-2012), an Italian Jesuit and once the Archbishop of Milan, was a progressive and liberal in thinking and, as a result, faced opposition from conservatives in the Catholic Church.

In his final interview with the Italian daily Corriere della Sera, before his death on August 31, 2012, he had mentioned about the situation of the Catholic Church clearly: "The church is tired, in the Europe of well-being and in America. Our culture has become old, our churches and our religious houses are big and empty, the bureaucratic apparatus of the church grows, our rites and our dress are pompous. Do these things, however, express what we are today?... Well-being weighs on us. We find ourselves like the rich young man who went away sad when Jesus called him to be his disciple. I know that we can't let everything go easily. At least, however, we can seek people who are free and closest to their neighbor, like Archbishop Romero and the Jesuit martyrs of El Salvador. Where are the heroes among us who can inspire us? by no means do we have to limit them by the boundaries of the institution."

About who can help the Church today, he further said: "...I advise the Pope and the bishops to seek out twelve people outside the lines for administrative positions, people who are close to the poorest, who are surrounded by young people, and who try new things. We need to be with people who burn in such a way that the Spirit can spread itself everywhere."

To counter the exhaustion of the Church, this cardinal recommends three options: "...The first is conversion: the church must recognize its errors and follow a radical path of change, beginning with the pope and the bishops. The pedophilia scandals compel us to take up a path of conversion." 

"...The second is the Word of God. Vatican II gave the Bible back to Catholics. Only those who perceive this Word in their heart can be part of those who will help achieve renewal of the church, and who will know how to respond to personal questions with the right choice. The Word of God is simple, and seeks out as its companion a heart that listens. ... Neither the clergy nor ecclesiastical law can substitute for the inner life of the human person. All the external rules, the laws, the dogmas, are there to clarify this internal voice and for the discernment of spirits." 

"Who are the sacraments for? These are the third tool of healing. The sacraments are not an instrument of discipline, but a help for people in their journey and in the weaknesses of their life. Are we carrying the sacraments to the people who need new strength? I think of all the divorced and remarried couples, to extended families. They need special protection. The church upholds the indissolubility of matrimony. It's a grace when a marriage and a family succeed ..."       --(The above translation is used here from the article on the last interview of Cardinal Carlo Martini)   

Pope Francis, another Jesuit from Argentina, was influenced by Cardinal Martini's writing and progressive ideas to make the Catholic Church step with the changed situation of the modern world instead of dragging its faithful to the past again and again. 

For this very reason, Pope Francis also has been facing opposition from the traditionalist and conservative priests, bishops, cardinals, and laypersons from the very first day of his being elected the 266th pope of the Catholic Church. 

For details on Cardinal Carlo Maria Martini's life, work, and teaching, please click on the following:

(Updated on Dec. 18, 2019)

Sunday, December 15, 2019

The Quotation of the Week (December 15 - 21, 2019)

Image (Basilica of St. Anthony at Padua, Italy) courtesy: Messenger of 
Saint Anthony (International Edition: Padua, Italy) 

Saturday, December 14, 2019

More Vatican Corruption and Scandals Come to Light

The Vatican City, with St. Peter's Basilica, in Rome, Italy
Photo courtesy:

No institution is beyond corruption and scandals. The Catholic Church, although claims itself to be holy and close to God, has its leaders and members who are not. 

Previously, the hierarchy made every effort to hide its members' weaknesses, but, in reality, there were corruption and scandals among them. 

In this decade, these can no longer be kept hidden due to the proliferation of various communication media available to all. Pope Francis is the one who is encouraging all to speak up the truth because the truth shall make us free.

Please read the following to have an idea of the corruption and scandals in the Vatican:

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Opposition to Pope Francis: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly -- (Part 3)

Please continue reading to see how the opposition to Pope Francis started since his election on March 13, 2013, as the 266th pope of the Catholic Church.

Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano, former Vatican 
ambassador to the U.S. and one of the Vatican 
bureaucrats, who oppose Pope Francis tooth and nail
Photo courtesy: CNS via

Father Edward Staniek, a theologian and rector of the Major 
Seminary in Krakow, Poland wished for the early death of Pope
 Francis in March 2018 for his "erroneous views" and support 
of Muslim migration to Europe
Photo courtesy via

Mr. Ross Douthat, The New York Times columnist
and an ardent critic of Pope Francis
Photo courtesy:

Steve Bannon, a conservative American media executive, 
political strategist, and an ex-adviser to President Donald Trump

Photo courtesy:




(The End)

(Updated on March 5, 2021)

(To go to the beginning -- or Part 1 -- of this write-up, please click here)

Sunday, December 8, 2019

The Quotation of the Week (December 8 - 14, 2019)

A quotation of a native American saying on 'success of involvement
of a person in understanding something rather than telling 

or showing him,' compiled by Jerome D'Costa

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Opposition to Pope Francis: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly -- (Part 2)

Cardinal Raymond Leo Burke, from the USA, is one of the four
cardinals (the other two are from Germany: Cardinal Walter 

Brandmuller and Cardinal Joachim Meisner, one from Italy: 
Cardinal Carlo Caffarra) at the forefront 
of opposition to Pope Francis 
(Photo courtesy: 

Please continue to read the following to better understand what's going on in the Catholic Church today. 

